Jenn Hawk Recognized
Jenn Hawk’s many contributions to the Department have recently resulted in the receipt of the July 2010 Chemistry Departmental Recognition Award. Congratulations to Jenn! The award notice from the Chair reads as follows:
The Departmental recognition award committee has decided that this month’s Departmental recognition award (and the reserved parking space) goes to Jennifer Hawk, who exemplifies the combination of research, service and teaching dedication we see in our best graduate students.
Jenn was nominated by another student, who notes that she “is a positive asset to the Chemistry Department who, rather than saying what should be done instead leads by example and gets things done…While involved in PLU and her own research pursuits, Jenn also showed exemplary care and dedication in teaching; she helped teach an undergraduate class designed by her and fellow graduate students as well as TAing this past semester.” In addition to the teaching mentioned above, her research was recognized by the NC Polymer Discussion Group at the Gilbert Awards Symposium in Raleigh, NC, on May 13, and she has just finished a term as PLU president. I can heartily endorse this nomination, and should add that the course she helped teach (Chemistry 32) was brand new and complex.