Grace and Yixin to give talks at GRC, GRS Grace Yao and Yixin Hu have been selected to give contributed talks at this year’s Gordon Research Conference and the… Continue reading “Grace and Yixin to give talks at GRC, GRS”…
Collaboration with Gong lab accepted at JACS Shu’s collaboration with our amazing colleagues in Hokkaido has led to a new paper just accepted at JACS. The paper, “Effect… Continue reading “Collaboration with Gong lab accepted at JACS”…
Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award to Junpeng Wang Another big congrats to Junpeng Wang, who has been selected as a 2024 Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awardee! The awards go to… Continue reading “Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award to Junpeng Wang”…
Shu chosen as a Future Faculty Awardee Shu Wang has been recognized by the ACS PMSE Division and its Executive Officers as a 2024 Future Faculty awardee,… Continue reading “Shu chosen as a Future Faculty Awardee”…
Tetsu moving to LSU! We are so excited for Tetsu, who has accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Chemical Engineering at LSU… Continue reading “Tetsu moving to LSU!”…
Yangju Lin starts at Waterloo! We’re excited for group alum Yangju Lin, who has started his independent faculty position at the University of Waterloo. It’s… Continue reading “Yangju Lin starts at Waterloo!”…