Serpe Engaged! Yes, really: our beloved postdoctoral colleague Mike Serpe and Tiffany are now engaged, as of Mike’s recent holiday trip to… Continue reading “Serpe Engaged!”…
Welcome, New Group Members We are delighted to officially welcome first year graduate students Senetta Bancroft (University of Akron), Jeremy Lenhardt (New Mexico State… Continue reading “Welcome, New Group Members”…
David Loveless to Halliburton David Loveless has accepted a job offer with Halliburton, to begin in March, 2008. Congratulations, David (and good luck writing… Continue reading “David Loveless to Halliburton”…
Serpe Presents at MRS Mike Serpe presented his work on the structure and kinetics of self-repairing interfaces at the Materials Research Society meeting in… Continue reading “Serpe Presents at MRS”…
Farrell Defends Farrell Kersey successfully defended his Ph.D today, and he will officially graduate this December. Congratulations to Farrell! Continue reading “Farrell Defends”…
In the news… Highlights of group work that appeared this Spring: * Work by Farrell Kersey, David Loveless, and former group member Wayne… Continue reading “In the news…”…